Women Get Any Guy They Want in 4 Ways

1. Lose control

 It may offer you power, but your partner won't like having to be there at a moment's notice. 

Lose control

He has a voice and wants attention. His opinions must be accepted, even if they disagree. 

2. Let the man lead early.

 Taking the backseat gives him the drive to work for you. 

Let the man lead early.

 He will value you more as a partner as he works harder. This allows him to emotionally commit to you.

3. Give up on fixing his issues.

You solve difficulties well at work, home, and with loved ones. Everyone turns to you for help.

Give up on fixing his issues.

He may accept his defects and not change. Since you love, you must let him be.

4. Accept that you're not his boss.

You weren't hired to train him. He wants to know, understand, and work with you. 

Your connection must encompass both perspectives! Asking for help and supporting one other with daily responsibilities is crucial. 

Accept that you're not his boss.

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