9 Meaningful Christmas Celebrations This Year

Start a New Family Tradition

Start a family Christmas tradition this year. Order matching pajamas, establish an Advent calendar

Nontraditional Dinner

You may forgo the Christmas ham this year if you're having a small gathering. Choose something new

Wrap Gifts in Fabric

Wrapping paper is bad for the environment since we consume so much and can't recycle it. 

Virtually Gather

Family is the finest part of the holidays, but if yours is far out and travel isn't possible this year, try a virtual Christmas gathering.

Grandma-style decorating

Your grandma's retro décor styles are returning, so use them this year. Ceramic Christmas trees are making a comeback

Give Back

Community service is a beloved holiday activity. You may help people over the holidays by working at a food bank

New Christmas Traditions

Holidays are observed differently worldwide, and many civilizations have important customs. 

New Christmas Game

Finding family-friendly indoor activities during bad weather might be difficult. 

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