10 Things You Should Never Clean with a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser

Delicate Surfaces: Avoid using Magic Erasers on delicate surfaces like polished or glossy surfaces, as they can cause abrasions or dullness.

Electronics: Never use Magic Erasers on electronic devices or screens, as they can damage the protective coatings and cause scratches.

Painted Walls: Be cautious when using Magic Erasers on painted walls, especially if they have a matte or flat finish, as they can remove paint or leave marks.

Wood Furniture: Avoid using Magic Erasers on wood furniture or surfaces with wood finishes, as they can strip away the protective coatings or leave scratches.

Stainless Steel: Be careful when using Magic Erasers on stainless steel appliances or surfaces, as they can cause scratches or dull the shiny finish.

Mirrors: Avoid using Magic Erasers on mirrors, as they can leave streaks or scratches on the glass surface.

Leather: Never use Magic Erasers on leather or suede materials, as they can damage the texture or color of the leather.

Car Exteriors: Avoid using Magic Erasers on car exteriors, as they can strip away the wax or protective coatings and leave scratches on the paint.