17 Animals You Can't Keep as Pets in the USA

Bald Eagles: Protected under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, keeping them as pets is illegal.

Big Cats (Lions, Tigers, Leopards): Ownership is heavily regulated and often prohibited due to safety and conservation concerns.

Alligators and Crocodiles: Dangerous and require specialized care, making them illegal to own as pets in many states.

Bats: Protected species that also pose a risk of disease transmission to humans.

Monkeys and Other Non-Human Primates: Banned in many states due to risks of aggression and disease transmission.

Venomous Snakes: Certain species are illegal to keep due to their danger to public safety and health.

Wolves and Wolf Hybrids: Ownership is restricted or banned in many areas due to their unpredictable nature and potential for aggression.

Raccoons: Prohibited as pets in many states due to the risk of rabies and other health concerns.